Danish society of thrombosis and hemostasis

Founded on December 8th, 1993

Updated website with guidance and tools in thrombosis and hemostasis: www.dsth.dk

  • Approximately 500 members from a variety of medical and surgical specialties.
  • 2 annual meetings in the society with approximately 100 participants (May-November)
  • 2-3 annual 3 day courses in bleeding, arterial and venous trombosis, eg: http://dsth.dk/pdf/Blodningskursus_2016.pdf
  • guidelines within thrombosis and hemostasis, e.g. cancer associated thrombosis, perioperative pausing of antithrombotics
  • application to mobile phones/tablets with guidelines on pausing anticoagulation.
  • our aim is to spread knowledge on thrombosis and hemostasis
  • networking
  • participate in the annual “nordic congress on thrombosis and hemostasis”: www.ccnorway.no/nordcoag2016/
  • we plan, among others, more focus on facilitating research and cooperation between institutions