The ECTH Boards

ECTH Board

Zsuzsa Bagoly, Hungary I laboratory haemostasis and thrombosis

Sabine Eichinger, Austria | internal medicine and haemostasis

Tilman Hackeng, The Netherlands | coagulation biochemistry

John-Bjarne Hansen, Norway | clinical haemostasis and thrombosis, epidemiology

Pierre Morange, France | genetics of thrombosis

Frits Rosendaal, The Netherlands | clinical epidemiology of thrombosis and haemostasis

Jaromír Gumulec, Czech Republic | Chairman of the Czech Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis

Senior advisory board

Bonno Bouma, The Netherlands

Björn Dahlbäck, Sweden

Pier Mannucci, Italy

Dominique Meyer, France

Ian Peake, United Kingdom

Ulrich Walter, Germany

Junior advisory board

Banne Nemeth, The Netherlands

Johanna Gebhard, Austria

Line Evensen, Norway

Raquel Herranz, Spain

Sofia Melo, Belgium

Timothee Bigot, France

Tom van de Berg, The Netherlands

Special advisors

Harry Büller, The Netherlands