Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis

The Society seeks specific aspects of international collaboration, such as promoting initiatives in anticoagulant treatment with classic and new anticoagulants. It intensifies the Spanish participation in the Subcommittees on Standardization of ISTH.

The Society tends to cooperate with the working group Thrombosis and Haemostasis of the Spanish Society of Cardiology, Pediatrics and other scientific societies; the study group of thromboembolic disease Society of Internal Medicine (Group SOURCE); RIETE collaboration with the group; the Spanish Society of Arteriosclerosis; Network of Carlos III of Cardiovascular (RECAVA) Institute, Queen Victoria Eugenia Foundation, etc.

According to its statutes, the General Assembly is the decision making body and expression of the collective will of the Company and its agreements must necessarily be met by all members of the SETH. The Company is directed by a Board of Directors, made up of 12 members, who are elected every 2 years by holding comply with the rules established in the Articles of Association annual elections.

The Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SETH) aims to bring together graduates and doctors in medicine and surgery, chemical, biological sciences, pharmacy and related sciences, interested in research of thrombosis and haemostasis, as well as your diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis.

It is therefore a society of multidisciplinary non-profit that aims to achieve progress in the following areas of thrombotic pathology and haemostasis: pathogenesis, prevention, diagnosis and treatment by promoting research on these issues, as well as participation and communication among its members.

SETH auspices Regulations
The Society promotes research, training and dissemination on the etiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.

The Society periodically organizes meetings, courses, conferences and any actions that deems necessary to achieve its purpose.

Activities that may be sponsored
All those scientific activities that promote training, research and projects related to the areas of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. The aim of sponsorship is that, while the activity is prestigious to have the support of the SETH, also associates it with the ability to share with other scientific societies the promotion and dissemination of areas of interesting knowledge for the benefit thrombosis and Haemostasis.

The auspices may be:
SETH auspices of scientific activities or publications developed by other scientific societies

SETH auspices of scientific activities or publications developed by the pharmaceutical industry. These activities will need to possess scientific rigor and do not express biased or untruthful criteria.

Educational materials and scientific activities developed by the working groups, with or without external funding, will be considered typical of the SETH and not auspiciables.

It will encourage scientific activities with active participation of partners SETH and the board considers that meet scientific quality requirements are also considered typical of the SETH.

With the idea of promoting among partners as many possible activities that would allow a better development of the specialty, the Spanish Association of Hematology and Hemoterapia (AEHH) and the Spanish Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (SETH) decided to organize the Annual Meeting for both companies from 1997. The organization of Congress of both companies is carried out through the work of their respective foundations, the Spanish Foundation of Hematology and Hemoterapia (FEHH) by the AEHH and the Spanish Foundation of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (FETH) by the SETH.

More information about the society is available at the webpage: