Paul Shiels, United Kingdom
How the exposome impacts the trajectory of age related health and disease
Paul is Professor of Cellular Gerontology at the Wolfson Wohl Translational Research Center at the University of Glasgow. He is a founder member of GARNER, the Glasgow Ageing Research Network. Paul has established a reputation in the biology of ageing with over 170 peer-reviewed publications in this arena.
Prof. Shiels has acted as an expert on the Biology of Ageing in a number of national policy advising consortia, including pSoBiD for the Chief Medical Officer of Scotland. His research has involved determining socio-economic, psychological, lifestyle and biological factors that are required for healthy ageing. He was the first to report on socioeconomic status and nutritional factors affecting epigenetic influences on health.
His current research portfolio comprises investigation and application of novel senotherapies and how the microbiome impacts on age related health.
Prof. Shiels has a proven track record in public dissemination of his research including the provision of expert commentary for the BBC and ABC TV networks and as a Panellist at the Edinburgh International Science Festival and the Edinburgh International Book Festival.