Bernd R. Binder Publication Prize

The Bernd R. Binder Publication Prize was established in Memory of the founder of Technoclone Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Binder to promote young scientists who have shown an outstanding contribution to the field of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research.


  • Applicants are first author of a publication from an independent research institution (university, public research institute, etc.) in the area of Vascular Biology and/or Thrombosis Research.
  • The paper must be a journal article published (in print or online) in an international peer-reviewed journal in the corresponding year.
  • The prize will be awarded following the recommendation of a selected prize award committee.
  • The awardee has to agree to be present at the Opening Ceremony of ECTH on 22 October, 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic.

About the prize:

  • One award of € 2,500.- to the first author of an excellent original article in the areas of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research published in an international peer-reviewed journal.
  • The publication prize also includes free registration at ECTH 2025 and the refund of the associated travel costs.

Please visit the website to apply and for more information:

For any further questions please contact